Budget Buddies: Ambassador Grant Spotlight #1

This past grant cycle, Ambassador Kyla Gabriel advocated for the third time for Budget Buddies. This year, the AFF was able to provide the organization with $10,000. Budget Buddies was founded in 2009, to help women take charge of their financial futures within their own communities. The Covid-19 pandemic has left more women than ever unemployed and struggling to make ends meet - especially women of color and single mothers. The majority of the AFF grant will help to ease the transition to virtual learning for financial empowerment programs, with some going towards implementing a staff support program and directly supporting women who have various barriers to participation in the workshops- for example, wifi connectivity issues or caregiving responsibilities. Virtual programming allows Budget Buddies to reach many more women and collaborate with more social service agencies in the state of Massachusetts. These financial empowerment workshops will serve around 200-220 low-income women and engage 220-240 volunteers. We are happy to support Budget Buddies for a third year, and excited to see how they grow and offer more support to the participants over this coming year!

Read about Kyla’s previous grant for Budget Buddies, here.