The Ascienzo Family Foundation is proud to announce the distribution of over $53,000 to agencies and organizations throughout the United States thanks to the advocacy of our core of Ambassadors, as well through those local partnerships we created in the fall of 2015.
At the heart of our mission are those individuals whose volunteerism and/or support for community building was addressed this past December. Ten of our ambassadors applied for and were granted funding for a wide range of educationally based programs that will serve the needs of many in 2016. Most of them were present at our 2nd Annual Dinner held on December 22nd at which they outlined their grant application amid a guest crowd of some 50 people. In addition, we celebrated our partnership with the Red Hook Central Schools and the BackPack Program serving the food needs of 21 students from the Mill Road Elementary School. And finally, representatives of the Red Hook Faculty Association were present to commemorate the funding of food vouchers for those needy families that were assisted during the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday Seasons.
The Directors and I are thrilled to have made such a commitment in our first year and anticipate an equally dynamic year in 2016 on a number of fronts. As we study the efficacy of the 2015 grants with our inaugural group of Ambassadors, we will coordinate with our new Class of 2016 Ambassadors policy and protocol that will allow for a similar set of grant experiences that the Class of 2015 enjoyed. The Class of 2016 was introduced at the December 22nd awards dinner, each speaking of their excitement in working with the Ascienzo Family Foundation. We will continue to network locally, attending civic meetings, establishing contact with both individuals and professionals interested in our mission, particularly in the area of elder care. With 20 active Ambassadors, our goal in 2016 is to expand our reach in sustaining our mission, both in the communities our ambassadors reside, as well as in Red Hook.
Thinking of You,
Nick A.